Thursday, October 16, 2008

Homeschool Math Help(s)

I am no expert here, it is likely to be a short post but here are a few links to the places I go for math help. Most of this would be for the 5th grade and under crowd.

The Math Worksheet Site it is a great site where you can generate your own worksheets. It has a free side, I used that for a long time, we used the 5 minute drills everyday, still do. But last year I paid for a subscription and I was really pleased with the range of items I could print and how customizable they were. #1 Math resource for me.

Educational Card Games to Teach Math here is an article by Mary Peterson that helps make math fun...for free. After years of math torture with "I" I have taken an easier approach with "A" she is enjoying math games with a simple deck of cards and it seems to be taking. Reading this article has given me some ideas for "I" too.

A Complete List Here is a great list of resources...

Well I told you it would be a short! As I think of more I will post them I know there are more!