Wednesday, April 15, 2009

nature walk lesson

While walking through the park with some friends we came upon this tree. My son pointed out that this tree though it looked like a fallen tree was firmly rooted in to the ground. It seemed to have just grown up sideways.

Grown up sideways? My dear friend took the time to explain to my son that at some point in this trees young life it fell and the fall was never corrected. This tree was bent and left to grow that way. No training, no correction, no discipline. See where this is going? Good. So did my son.
This is what happens when a child is not trained up in the way that he should go. A child that is never told that sin is sin, or is left to deal with all the evil it sees (too much of) around himself and is never taught to see it in the context of biblical truth. This tree was still alive and as of last year was still sprouting leaves. But this spring the leaves did not return and the dying has begun. It was a vivid picture for all 3 of us. I pray that we are giving training up of our children the importance it deserves, requires. May they grow to be strong, healthy fruitful trees standing tall in the Son. Thanks Jules for the reminder.


Lainie said...

Don't you love how faithful God is to provide such a powerful illustration of His truth.

Thank you for sharing this... I will be watching and waiting for the opportunity to share it.