Thursday, May 21, 2009

Teletubbies or Aiming to Please

I promise this is not some Tinky Winky debate. Anyway I have a strict "don't ask don't tell" policy with imaginary creatures.

Some how in our home zip up feety pajamas have become known as "Teletubbies". I think it happened on time years ago when they all had them on. Something about brightly colored fleece from head to toe made them jump around the house spewing monosyllabic babble. Years later the name has stuck. Fortunately the only one still wearing them is Mimi.

Tonight she came out of her room at top speed announcing that she had on her Teletubbies. The untrained eye might have thought she was letting us all know but I knew, it was all for Daddy. H loves those things and Mimi loves her Papa. She will do anything to please him including wearing head to toe fleece jammies on a hot night in South Texas! Well it worked, his face lights up, she laughs and runs and jumps up on his lap to receive her snugly reward.

I want to be like that. I want to be willing to do anything to please my Heavenly Father. To run to Him excited to please Him. I want not to think about how uncomfortable it might make me or how hot the situation might get, I just want to please Him.

I know that He is like that. A loving Father who is ready to reward a child so eager to please. Even if the act of pleasing is a little misguided. (did I mention the hot S Texas nights???) I am glad He chooses to look for the good in what we do and not criticize every detail. I am glad that He is read to lavish is love on those who run to Him. I am glad He gives me little glimpses in to His character in the everyday.


Lainie said...

So needed this today... thank you

Crucified said...
