Friday, June 6, 2008


I am inspired by my Wendy friend to blog. I think it would be great to blog on a daily basis just to keep writing. I'll give it a shot.

We signed a lease today on a new place. I am excited it will be a great location, a little closer to church and things we do on a weekly basis but still central enough for H to get to work in a reasonable amount of time. It is smaller than our current place by about 600 sq feet, I can see it in the storage so that means I need to do some serious decluttering before we move and likely after. Our linen closet alone is half the size and honestly I don't use half of what I store in there anyway.

Why are my emotions so wrapped up in stuff anyway? Why is it so hard to let go? I have seen houses that have pack ratted for 20 + years and it makes me crazy but without a consicence decision I will end up just like that. I do not want keeping up my house to rob me of my time and energy. It robs my time with the Lord and with my family not to mention my own time. OUT OUT OUT with what I don't need or use. And give it up! No Garage sale! Give it up...well that's because H said no to a garage is for your own good Jenn...breathe deep...OK

Jesus is enough and I want to clear the way and make more room for Him in our home. Out with the cable too. Not so much by choice, the cable we use is not available where we are going so we took the opportunity to reevaluate our TV choices. We have chosen to go without for a while at least. H has started to read aloud to us at and after dinner. Yesterday he read from Tupper and he has never looked so handsome as when reading to his family from a 120+ year old book of poetry! It was awesome. I love him. And he is right about the garage sale...breathe...OK